Tuesday, April 02, 2019

The declared and undeclared battle lines for Western civilization

Traditional or paleoconservatives at least declare that the battle lines for Western civilization are between populist-nationalist-sovereignists and the new coalition of leftist-capitalist-globalists.

The leftist-capitalist-globalists seek to abolish the nation-state mainly to bring money or power to a small elite, and they are greatly helped along by big media producers, the academic teachers, the banks, and the multinational corporations.

Amazingly, democracy has been functioning as the people have been electing populist-nationalist-sovereignists like Donald Trump in spite of the power of the leftist-capitalist-globalists and the big media producers, the academic teachers, the banks, and the multinational corporations.

But the mostly undeclared and politically incorrect reality is that the electoral democratic power of traditional or paleoconservative whites who defend the nation-state is fading fast as the population of nonwhite ethnic groups who support leftist-capitalist-globalists have sharply risen and will soon democratically overtake white citizens in the West. This demographic ethnic changing-of-the-guard has been heavily promoted by the leftist-capitalist-globalists and the big media producers, the academic teachers, the banks and the multinational corporations.

Who will win? If demographic trends continue with whites dying faster than being born, and I don't see the trends changing, the leftist-capitalist-globalists and their minions in democracies will win.

So since the the demographic changes in America look inevitable, especially with the help of suicidal whites on the left and the right, eventually the only realistic way to save white American culture---because different ethnic groups create different cultures---will be to harken back to the natural separation of regions and states enshrined in the Constitution, where ethnostates can become the next home to a variety of ethnic groups in an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. This can be done legally, perhaps with a few amendments to the Constitution, affirmed by the constitutional separation of powers and states.

It looks like that may be the only democratic and civilized way to save white Western civilization.  So how long will it be, and how much trouble will we have to endure, before this solution reaches the public and is presented as a good solution in harmony with real human nature, not just for whites but for all distinctive ethnic groups?

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