Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Change and unchange in the alt. right

The tension between ethnic groups in democracies has been vastly underestimated, it is even a taboo subject mainly due to mistaken notions of human nature which say that we are all the same. The alt. right has had the courage to speak of these virtually irreconcilable differences and so they have been ridden out of the conservative movement where they rightly belong.

Evolutionary realism defines human nature as it is, kin-centered and group-centered, and even xenophobic, but this does not intrude on real conservatism, it transforms conservatism, as evolution transforms nature. Radicals and conservatives usually take only one side of the change/unchange dynamic, when both are needed.

St Thomas Aquinas could be understood as having saved Christian philosophy by synthesizing Aristotle's pagan Greek philosophy into Christianity. Evolutionary sociobiology needs to do the same  to save Christianity now. Theological materialism is attempting to do this, transforming the Inward God of traditional religion into the Outward God reached through material evolution, while retaining the Inward Path in the Twofold Path.

The Traditionalist School is digging in their heels and rejecting not only change but virtually rejecting science, yet many in the alt. right have embraced Aleksandr Dugin (who hates the West) and his retooling of Rene Guenon and Julius Evola, and therefore the alt. right is accepting only the unchange side of the change/unchange dynamic. Talking about long-term cycles that are unchanging is affirming unchange. Godhood is reached by the vehicle of evolution in the material world which the traditionalist school essentially rejects, 

The alt. right has over-concentrated on whites since whites have been overwhelmed by liberal social programs, but the moral high ground goes to promoting an ethnopluralism of ethnostates where all distinct ethnic groups have their own ethnostates protected by federalism. This could be done legally by the constitutional separation of powers and states, and maybe a few amendments to the Constitution.

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