Monday, October 01, 2012


Politics and finance have crowded out more important things in culture, which helps explain the present vulgarity of the West. The West has done well materially led by free-enterprise finance, but without having ethics and morality to guide finance it has become vulgar and even dangerous.

Egoism and individualism are more primitive than altruism and groupism, in spite of what the libertarians say, animals are more self-centered than humans. Modern psychology and philosophy have much to do with this narcissism and anarchism, with their affirmations of personal relative “narratives.” Sociobiology should remedy some of this thinking with its information on how the group is the original creator of ethics.

I hypothesize that the order of rank can still be thought of as something like the original tripartite system, but with more upward mobility and opportunity for the talented from every class. That is, priests, warriors and producers as the healthiest social structure. Scientists can now work with priests, at least in the Theoevolutionary Church. This valuation of importance can apply in various political systems.

As I have said before, the modern world, which was more or less invented by the West---for good or for evil---does not look so evil when religion, science, warriors and producers can meet and help one another in the evolution of life to Godhood.

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