Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Sublimations different from Nietzsche

Early Nietzsche believed (“The Republic of Genius” by Quentin Taylor) that the Ancient Greeks sublimated war into their incomparable culture and when they stopped doing this, due to the takeover of fatal political instincts which arose in fighting the Persians, it brought an end to Hellenic greatness in culture.

Nietzsche assessed political goals in relation to the goals of culture and the creation of genius. Not hating religion as Nietzsche did, we think that evolutionary religion has to be the main sublimation of aggression and war---culture and genius are only means to the great end of evolving to Godhood.

We can reach beyond the superman as we evolve toward Godhood, which we see as the fulfillment of the exclusively inward God of the great religions, this is not a rejection of religion, it includes the inward God in outward Godhood, with an Ordered Evolution, and not revolution.

This is also not affirming a one-race supremacy or imperialistic exclusivity as seen in Nietzsche's political followers, this is a universal goal within particular states and regions, with all groups evolving at their own pace, in accord with real human nature and group ethics.

Like the Greeks we can affirm competition as highly valuable in the creation of cultural excellence, but we need cooperative competition to sublimate raw aggression and overly imperialistic sociopathic behavior. Competition keeps things changing and evolving and helps avoid the stagnation of a single totalitarian culture or leader.

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