Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Affirming Variation

The original United States Constitution had the right idea in creating many small states with much independence, lightly protected by the federal government. I believe in keeping and affirming the protectors of variation in America and in the world between states, beyond the old physical barriers like mountain ranges, with such things as languages, nationalities, social classes and physical differences. This is the most natural way to accommodate actual human nature and the natural ethics of group selection which were evolved deeply within human nature over many thousands of years.

With actual human nature in mind, the healthiest political philosophy affirms many small states that are basically ethnostates. Human beings are always moving on different trajectories of evolution where a genetic or cultural advantage in one environment may be a disadvantage in another---and what's wrong with that?  People who demean this as "racist" usually have ulterior motives involving their own selfish agendas.

But the deepest reason for affirming variation is in evolutionary religious philosophy, with a variety of groups evolving in their own special ways toward Godhood, guided voluntarily and without coercion or force by the church working with science. We do need cooperative competition between people and states, but humans are capable of this, if we are serious about it. And we have to be serious about it because imperialistically trying to make the world all the same, by subterfuge or by force, has brought continuing disaster to us all.

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