Saturday, October 06, 2012

Approximate Godhood

We cannot accurately define Godhood at this stage in our evolution, but we can describe Godhood as the zenith of truth, intelligence, beauty, virtue and merit. Our task is to affirm and accede to the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood that activates life, which is then shaped by evolution.

Raymond Cattell's term “Beyondism” described well the direction we are going. But we connect the goal of the great religions in describing our destination as Godhood, and Cattell, who was quite courageous, does not.

Science will find many ways to help us evolve, with genetic planning and engineering, but religious ethics will need to guide the upward direction of evolution.

Conservatism in general has had as much influence on us as the science of sociobiology, both describe nature's order and evolution. We are therefore pleased to be able to connect outward Godhood, reached through evolution, with the God within or Father Within of Christianity, and with the mystics of other religions. This means we can proceed with a Revitalized Conservatism and an Ordered Evolution.

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