Saturday, October 13, 2012


I affirm much of the new technology in biology discussed in various blogs and journals, stem cells, embryo research, synthetic biology, reproductive technology, but I believe it needs to be done within the moral framework and values of the Theoevolutionary Church.

Our basic grounding doctrine and mission, which is our evolution to Godhood, affirms a biopolitical world. The goals at this stage of our evolution are vague but still clear in that we are evolving toward higher and higher truth, intelligence, beauty, virtue and merit.

In the past biology was mostly unconscious, and when it did surface it scared people with things like eugenics. But we need not have thrown it all away, sociobiology has again solidly redeemed biopolitical considerations.

Can “regulation” of biology be “left” or “right” politically? Coercion and force are disaffirmed, we need a voluntary effort, and we need Ordered Evolution, which enhances and enriches life---we have a long way to evolve. For example, the light federalism protecting many small states, or ethnostates, which we affirm, has already been well-tested and is an ideal grounding for evolution with variety.

It seems to me that “transhumanism” needs to slow down or pause a bit more to prevent cyborg monsters from destroying the very evolution we seek. Computers and new technology in biology and genetics need to enhance evolving life, not rule or destroy evolving life.

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