Wednesday, December 04, 2019

The deepest cause of the begetting of children

Are not the parents, as it were, concomitant causes only, while (the divine) Nature is the highest, elder and true cause of the begetting of children?” Philo

I interrupt that saying of Philo in relation to the biological origin of social behavior and the hierarchy of drives.

We begin with the activation within life to live. Just as the pleasure or happiness derived from eating food is driven by the deeper requirements of successful survival, the drive to survival and reproductive success is driven by the deepest need of evolving toward Godhood as the zenith of success and purpose in evolution---so contrary to many philosophers happiness is important but is a secondary goal. Naturalism in evolution can therefore include religion and the activation toward higher evolution.

Can perfection be reached? No, just as perfection in evolution is never final, at least not until Godhood is attained, and even then evolution continues with ascending levels of Godhood.

As Cattell and others have implied, evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood.

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