Saturday, December 07, 2019

Amoral technology and the rise of radical feminism

Futurist's Nick Bostrom worries about artificial super-intelligence and how it will probably be impossible for humans to predict what a 6,455 IQ might do, which is why we have to be on guard regarding artificial super-intelligence. Meanwhile amoral modern technology didn't predict how it would gradually take away the traditional gender roles of women and men, making it possible for either gender to push the button on missiles, or robot vacuum cleaners.

Meanwhile modern technology has not changed the basic biology of gender differences which remains as it has been for tens of thousands of years. There are obvious genetic and hormonal differences between men and women which certainly influence both gender and cultural behavior. The founders of radical feminism were mostly cultural Marxists which biased them toward objecting to the obvious genetically-derived differences between men and women.

Sweden has virtually dropped “He” and “She” (Han and Hon) for the pronoun “Hen”! Gender neutrality is now virtually the state religion. They have a “Minister for Gender Equality” and it is not a Monty Python sketch. Your career can be ruined if you openly object. The government and other institution are legally imposing the the destruction of gender itself. Sweden is not seeking equality it is seeking to erase the male gender!

Equal pay for equal work everyone agrees with, but things get serious when gender equality in the infantry units of the military is promoted, which becomes a real threat to protecting the lives of either gender. It has been made clear from the data gathered that the only way to have women in infantry units is to lower standards. Mixed sex-units were slower at accomplishing tasks than all male units, and musculature-skeletal differences created many more injuries in women than men. That is only a few of the problems that come from denying gender differences.

Real genetically-derived human nature contains not only big gender differences, human nature is biologically kin-centered, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. Feminism, like cultural Marxism, agrees with none of this reality.

I am not anti-technology but what we needed was a futurist like Bostrom to warn us about the damage that would come from technology aiding the rise of intellectually bogus radical feminism, which has been destroying our society. The cultural zoo we have today is mainly the result of the attempt to abandon the basic biological origin of social behavior.

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