Saturday, December 14, 2019

The sacred goal of theological materialism

The traditional religious definition or meaning of Godhood and the path to Godhood was discovered and designed by ascetics who misinterpreted God as a “spiritual” God and a spiritual experience when their experience of God was a peak material experience of bliss derived from overcoming or blocking all material desires. 

Desire is directed toward something deeper than itself. The deeper need of survival evolved the pleasure experience from eating, just as the deeper goal of evolving to Godhood activates the desire for reproduction and survival. Ascetics were therefore mistaken in defining material desires as only causing pain, suffering, and sin. It is only through purposeful material desires that we can attain Godhood in material evolution. 

Life desires success in survival and reproduction, and the greatest and highest success in survival and reproduction is also the highest good, which is to evolve to ascending levels of Godhood, while adapting to outside natural selection and evolution.

In theological materialism Godhood and religion remain but the definition or the meaning of Godhood and the path to Godhood changes, and that path to Godhood is through material and supermaterial evolution.  So the central task of religion as well as science is to aid in the sacred material and supermaterial evolution toward Godhood.  

This means that the “first cause” is not God but is the material activation within life (Tirips) to ascending levels of Godhood, or the greatest and highest success in survival and reproduction.

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