Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Godhood and religion are not dead, they have been misunderstood and wrongly defined

What the traditional view of God is really saying is, everything is nothing and nothing is everything, because their God is non-material and non-corporeal when in reality nothing is non-material and non-corporeal, even ideas are nothing without the material and corporeal objects they define, which requires material and corporeal minds to do the defining. Even the energy fields that supposedly "govern" the particle are created by the interaction of material forces. The energy field is not spiritual. Gravity or electric forces are not spiritual, they are brought about by interactions between material objects.

But contrary to Nietzsche and others this does not mean that God and religion are dead, it means that Godhood and religion have been misunderstood and wrongly defined. Everything is something and something is everything when material and corporeal objects are not left out of the definition of the sacred as they were in the traditional, non-material, non-corporeal, spiritual, view of Godhood.

There is nothing other than the something of material life, and supermaterial Godhood is materially evolved to in the material and corporeal world. This sacred path to real Godhood is actually blocked by the traditional non-material and non-corporeal definition of God and religion. The ascetic experience of God was a peak material experience of bliss derived from overcoming or blocking all material desires. That spiritual blockade could therefore even be called evil as being the path away from Godhood, but it is better thought of as first attempts by ascetics to see and understand the ascending levels Godhood materially evolved to in the real material and corporeal world.

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