Saturday, December 28, 2019

A more realistic evolutionary art, filling the void left by postmodernism (from 2012)

The narrative of our evolution to Godhood can unify the modern progressive world with the utopian world of the old romantics. This was something that the 19th century struggled with and then lost out to International Marxism and Global Capitalism, in spite of the remedies attempted by Carl Jung and Rene Guenon. We do not have to work backward to paradise when we apply science and religion in our evolution to Godhood.

The one-race supremacy and imperialism of the 19th and early twentieth century looks simplistic and short-sighted when compared to a world of small states, or ethnostates, with each state and people affirmed in their distinctiveness, and set alongside the others, all evolving in their own way.

This is more in harmony with human nature as defined by sociobiology and cultural history. In America there already exists a pattern for independent small states, protected by a light federalism, if the original Constitution is followed.  We would emphasize the distinctiveness of the individual states.  Europe, Russia, China also have their small states and provinces which can be affirmed and protected in their distinctiveness.

Religion can then bond and help advance the whole, as each in their variety evolve to Godhood in the cosmos.  This defines a more realistic evolutionary art, filling the void left by postmodernism.

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