Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Organizing the natural sequence of altruistic genetic priorities of real human nature

Individual, kin, ethnic group, region, state, nation, world, universe, Godhood---this is how a natural subsidiary can harmonize with the natural sequence of the genetically-derived altruistic priorities of real human nature. 

When political philosophy and religion synchronize with this sequence then we can have nations with light federal systems protecting the variety and independence of decentralized regions and states or ethnostates, perhaps aided by objective international research centers, as once described by the courageous Raymond Cattell. 

When this philosophy is bonded in a religion dedicated to life and to all groups materially evolving to ascending levels of Godhood, then we will be approaching the next complete, whole, and long-lasting worldview. 

But human beings tend to be more a lying and scheming species than a wise species and long-term religions and philosophies are often blocked or overturned by powerful, short-term, often selfish people, or by the creative founders who are untalented in public relations or salesmanship. Luck, fate, and history also apply. We all do what we can do.

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