Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fighting race hatred with an ethnopluralism of ethnostates

Hearing about another anti-Semitic attack in New York yesterday got me thinking about the analogy of using viruses to fight viruses, which was the anti-intuitive genius way Edward Jenner pioneered back in 1796 to fight small pox, and the technique has been used since then to fight other viruses. Using viruses to fight viruses is not a perfect analogy to use against racial hatred, but it might help to make the point about using an ethnopluralism of ethnostates to fight race hatred.

Ethnostates are not viruses. Contrary to received opinion, the not yet obvious solution to the diversity of racial/ethnic identities, each with its own natural urge to perpetuate itself and establish its own culture, is not to try to jam everyone together in the same territory or to demand a creed of equality or multiculturalism, but to establish ethnostates for all distinctive groups and then protect them from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and money grubbers, by a light federalism.

The rise of race and identity politics demonstrates races and cultures being pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature, which remains genetically and biologically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection. So race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation tend to eventually conform to the genetic human nature reflected in identity politics.

Unfortunately all we hear, even from those who have been most on the receiving end of race hatred, is more of the impossible demand that we all get along while jammed together in the same living space. With multiculturalism race hatred increases. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established, legally, in the United States adapted from our constitutional separation of powers and states.

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