Tuesday, October 08, 2019

The material evolution to Godhood in the Outward Path transforms the “spiritual” Inward Path

Christian religious philosopher's see a “series of worlds” (Josef Pieper) from the world of plants, etc. to the highest world seen as the “totality of being,” which religious philosophers defined as the “spirit” where the spiritual totality of being “transcends” the material world. The problem with that is that the totality of being is a peak material inward experience usually experienced after much ascetic blocking of material desires, and does not transcend the material world. This doesn't mean a rejection of the Inward Path experience of the totality of being, it just doesn't define it as spirituality, it defines the Twofold Path, where the material evolution to Godhood in the Outward Path transforms the “spiritual” Inward Path.

The series of worlds or life forms materially evolved from the awareness of a frog seeing a fly, to the intelligence of humans who can see a totality of being, but then projects on to the world of materially evolving super-beings, with life eventually evolving to Godhood. As Cattell suggested, evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern have a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to the Godhood, which is defined in theological materialism.

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