Monday, October 14, 2019

Bach's beautiful religious totality

Johann Sebastian Bach is the best composer of religious music, his melodies, intertwined harmony, and counterpoint, using all the keys, creates a beautiful religious totality. Bach's works can easily join the modern world of cosmology, mathematics, and even the polyphony of the Xs and Os of computer coding. Listening to Bach on Sunday I thought how well his music would affirm the religious philosophy of theological materialism and the projected Theoevolutionary Church.

But if Bach is the archetype we need modern composer with the courage not only to write in that polyphonic style but the nerve to try to surpass Bach. Romantics like Chopin write beautiful music but it seems more for the individual than the group. Jazz can be very moving too but it is usually too hedonistic. Most modern "classical" composers usually have no religious sense and no moral grounding, they don't create “music” they create pieces formed and written as abstract objections to traditional music.

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