Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Defining evolutionary conservatism: Trump has been battling against both the greed and amorality of the globalist capitalist monster and the naively stupid modern liberals

It is true that Western free enterprise capitalism almost miraculously has brought much of the world out of poverty, but now with China we are in the process of seeing whether the globalist capitalist monster which free enterprise capitalism has become can curb their greed and amorality. The global capitalist's became rich with the great Chinese buildup of the dictatorial communist military industrial complex now threatening the West. China is or soon will be a bigger threat to the West than Soviet Russia was; the Chinese, especially the northern Chinese, have high IQ's and their ethics have not been much weakened by decadent Western liberalism.

President Trump has been battling against both the greed and amorality of the globalist capitalist monster and the naively stupid modern liberals. Trump is trying to restore the original economic nationalism of free enterprise capitalism, which ironically was used by China in its rise to power, but which China is now turning into the same globalist capitalist monster that destroyed the West---even high IQ's can be seduced by amoral greed.

But the standard Burkian/Kirkian paleoconservatism, though far superior to globalist neoconservatism, is not enough to save the West from the globalist capitalist monster or the Chinese military industrial complex. If the purpose of a conservative statesman and politician is to be prudent and to keep the peace then---given kin and ethnic-centered human nature---we will eventually need to return to the realism of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some sort of federalism and economic nationalism. This necessary change, which can come from adapting the U. S. constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, defines evolutionary conservatism. And China would do well to do the same thing.

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