Thursday, October 10, 2019

Will traditional American culture will be voted out of existence?

Taki Theodoracopulos said, “Big Brother turned out to be the media.” (Chronicles, May 2019). The far left and the schools call the tune and all the media is their loudspeaker. They are radically against everything traditional white American culture stands for, showing constant hostility toward priests, families, cops, and soldiers. Virtually all criminals are now depicted as white and blond, contrary to crime statistics. It is a reverse anti-white racism.

What can we do about this takeover and destruction of American culture? Demographics, statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it, tell us that in a democracy with open borders where non-whites will soon be a majority, where whites are dying faster than being born, and where the far left, the schools, and the media are all hostile toward traditional white Americans, then traditional American culture will be voted out of existence.

Is this the end of traditional white American culture? The far left, the schools and all the media sure hope so. But there is a way to survive that doesn't involve radical civil war or ethnic war, and which includes fair treatment for all groups.

The biological origin of social behavior and real kin and ethnic-centered human nature lead naturally to regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. How much healthier people would be if they could celebrate who they really are in their own ethnostate, protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some form of limited federalism. These vital changes can be done legally, adapting the U.S. constitutional separation of powers and states to ethnostates.

Otherwise it looks likes whites and traditional white American culture are doomed.

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