Friday, August 18, 2017

The next healing political philosophy

Ethnocentrism happens naturally as the result of real human nature, but it is also constantly corrupted and destroyed. The primary position in a healing and reasonable political philosophy is that all ethnic groups have the natural right to create and maintain their own ethnic groups, cultures, and ethnostates, but they do not have the right to corrupt or destroy other ethnic groups.

In the USA this can be conservatively and legally, not radically, accomplished by affirming and slightly adapting the existing constitutional separation of powers and states, toward gradually becoming an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which ethnic groups can enjoy or gradually go to. No other political philosophy will harmonize as well with real human nature.

Although nothing is perfect, I am convinced that this is the best way possible for human beings to survive and prosper. Various forms of federalism will need to protect our ethnic groups, cultures, and ethnostates, as will some sort of United Nations. The next healing political philosophy will need to consciously and rationally harmonize with kin-centered, ethnocentric, and nationalistic real human nature or we will destroy ourselves, as we are increasingly doing.

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