Sunday, August 27, 2017

Misinterpreting Individualism

"Within groups selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." E. O. Wilson

Conservatives are known to fight for human nature but they are in error when they advocate individualism as the only way to curb the civil unrest caused from group-identity and identity politics.  Libertarians especially make this mistake.

Individualism is important but individual selection takes place within the more powerful altruism of group-selection, as quoted in the epigraph above: "Within groups selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals."

Enemies of real human nature seek to undermine the natural primacy of group-selection over individualism to gain group power.  And unfortunately conservatives often do the same thing.

The tragic irony is that civil war between competing groups could bring by war what could be brought about legally and constitutionally in the U.S.. That is, the constitutional separation of powers and states could be adapted to gradually include an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, more in line with real human nature.

I believe things will go this way in any case.

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