Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Beyond the ballad of the Big Media

The culturally Marxist bias (William Lind's term) of the Big Media caused the people to turn away from it and turn instead toward alternative forms of media. But now recently even the alternative forms of media are being shut down or censored. That is control not unlike totalitarian control, and like other totalitarian systems I don't think the Big Media cares much what the people think, as long as they can control what the people think.

So what comes next? I suppose there could be the reaction of totalitarianism on the right, which would play right into the corrupt hands of the totalitarian left who have all the power. Then what?

Like all totalitarian systems, our cultural Marxism will probably not last long, just as the Soviet Union fell apart. All empires fall, and following the fall real human nature, longing for order and harmony, usually forms into ethnostates.

That is a long and painful path. Could we be rational and intelligent and sane enough to get there earlier, legally and constitutionally? That is possible in the U.S. by adapting the constitutional separation of powers and states toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. But it's a long shot.

But trying seems at least better than only moaning about it, and better than charging around the streets to the tune of the Big Media, who exploit and censor it all.

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