Saturday, February 15, 2014

What can we do about the destruction of America?

When writers on the economy speak of the forces of globalization and new technology, they almost never mention that nations rise to power by protecting their manufacturing base and decline when they accept so-called “free trade.” We have seen the deindustralization of America, with thousands of U.S. factories lost, with 230 million white collar jobs projected to be eliminated or transformed, representing trillions in income. Along with that we have had 30 to 40 million legal and illegal immigrants entering the country as a huge increase in the labor force. And who has benefit from this economic destruction of America? The top one percent have seen a huge growth in profits, while the average U.S. family has not had a raise for 40 years. The new jobs created are $15-an-hour service jobs usually filled by legal and illegal immigrants.

What can we do about the destruction of America? We can begin by doing what our Founders did (Hamilton, Madison, Lincoln), and impose a border tax on all goods entering the county, as China now does to us, and we can use the hundreds of billions of dollars from that to cut the taxes on American manufacturing which will help our factories rise from the dead. Then we can have a moratorium on all immigration into this country. As to the red state and blue state cross-purposes that are also tearing us apart, along with the variety of ethnicities and cultures that will continue to separate our citizens into warring factions no matter how much we pursue equality, we need to take seriously the movements of separation which are now instinctively rising across the world, including in the United States. This is completely natural and in accord with real human nature. Let it happen. We can embrace a healthy ethnopluralism in our regions and states, which can even be in accord with the separation of powers of our Constitution. Things are moving this way in any case and we need to avoid civil war which hurts everyone.  We must eventually face real human nature and the social structures that work in harmony with real human nature.

With our manufacturing protected, with our borders protected, and with people allowed to seek out their own kind, even their own languages, in their own regions and states, our Republic can begin to rise again on a firm foundation, with cooperative competition allowed. This is not libertarian, this is not progressive liberalism, this is not neoconservatism, this is not fascism, this is economic nationalism and ethnopluralism within our Republic. In other words, this is Revitalized Conservatism.

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