Friday, February 21, 2014

The Transcendent As Supermaterial

The transcendent is understood here as the supermaterial zenith of material evolution. This can heal the split between religion and science. The Spirit-Will is retained as the supermaterial inward activation of material life to evolve toward Godhood, shaped by outside evolution. With few exceptions the general trend in evolution has been for environments to become more complex, more intelligent, which can be seen religiously and philosophically as becoming more true, beautiful and good. This has not been only random evolution.

This gives a goal to the goal-less nihilism that followed Nietzsche, with postmodernism seeing only power drives and will and relativity, with no goals and no real meaning to life. This is not religion and science merely compromising, this is bringing religious evolution in harmony with natural law, with the goal of attaining Godhood. Science is this way connected to religion in nature, containing the Spirit-Will-To Godhood within itself urging us toward Godhood, shaped by Darwin's outside evolution, which is indeed is ultimate success in survival and reproduction.

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