Friday, February 14, 2014

Outward Evolution is not diminished when life is activated internally by the Spirit Will To Godhood

Enlightenment thinkers from the seventeenth century on believed that reason, logic and experiment could fully explain everything in life and “spiritual” explanations for life did not really exist. This position was made easier because of the transcendental, nonmaterial, definitions of God and Spirit.

Since the Enlightenment few people have had the courage to claim some sort of internal direction. In our time Ken Wilber and Francis Heylighen are two thinkers who have courage in discussing direction in evolution. Wilber said, evolution is “the opposite of chance or randomness in the universe. It's evidence of a force that is pursuing against randomness in the universe... This is an extraordinary driven process.” Francis Heylighen wrote “ is assumed that evolution is largely unpredictable and contingent on a host of uncontrollable factors, which may steer its course in any of an infinite number of directions. However, it is noted that directions in which complexity increases are generally preferred...Still, it can happen that systems evolve towards a simpler organization, although this seems rare. It is most likely to occur when the system enters a simpler environment, as when an organism becomes an internal parasite or moves back from the land to the water, but these are obviously unusual examples which go against the general trend of environments becoming more complex.”

Religion does not need to have a problem with evolution, if the Spirit-Will is understood as activating life from within while life is shaped outwardly by Darwin's evolution. The activating internal Spirit-Will needs to be inserted into the outward evolutionary dynamic. Evolution is not diminished when life is activated by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, although randomness can still occur. Secular views of life have no real sacred goals to life and evolution other than successful survival and reproduction, which suggests a Will-To-Power driving everything rather than the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood goal for evolution.

The traditional Involutionary Inward Path is the transcendental view of God and Spirit, this is nonmaterial abstraction, a word, an idea, a Logos, with no material or supermaterial objecthood, it is an experience of bliss after strict ascetic discipline in becoming unattached to the forces of life. The Evolutionary Outward Path understands this Logos as an internal symbolic-experience of the real Godhood which is reached by evolution, a material-supermaterial evolution that is activated by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood.

Ironically it is pagans who saw nature and the material world as Divine and traditional religions which tended to deny divinity to the material world. Pagans would not necessarily be at war with science, and religion does not need to be either, if the Spirit-Will is understood as activating life from within while life is shaped outwardly by Darwin's evolution.

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