Saturday, February 22, 2014

Natural law and the real culture war

What we have been able to discern of natural law or the laws of nature has often defined natural rights. Religions have said natural laws are based on the eternal laws of God, but man has been arrogant in assuming we fully know the eternal laws. Our view of nature has rightly changed as we have learned more about nature---religion has usually followed this change, but slowly. Our religions and cultures should at least harmonize with natural law or the laws of nature. If we are philosophically honest about the basics of theological materialism, the laws of nature precede both religious law and civil law. The real culture war is between natural law versus religions and cultures which do not harmonize with natural law.

Modern cultures have gone against the natural law in trying to behaviorally program-in such things as cultural Marxism, which requires a completely unnatural egalitarianism. And religions have centered on the Involutionary Inward Path to the God Within or Father Within---to experience this requires blocking or non-attachment to natural drives inherent in human nature and natural law. Cultural Marxism needs to move toward some form of ethnopluralism and localism, with a light protecting federalism, and the religious Inward Path needs to proceed to include the Evolutionary Outward Path of our material and supermaterial evolution to the real Godhood first symbolically experienced inwardly.  This can help bring our religions and cultures more in harmony with natural law and natural health.

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