Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Is great music an attempt to find the order of the Sacred?

Is music a “balance” of intellect and emotion? Music seems to be an attempt to order emotions. Emotions come from the ancient dominant part of the brain system. The intellect or neocortex is newer and it tries to understand ancient emotions. But to dominate emotions with intellect? Music is more the intellect harmonizing with emotions, like a jockey riding a horse, only this horse is not really broken to the will of the rider-intellect, even if we are arrogant enough to think so.

But something is missing from intellect and emotion, and it is the activation of material life by the material Will or Tirips.  Life is shaped by outside evolution and also activated inside by the Will or Tirips to materially evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood. Is the path to the Sacred in art to harmonize all three: emotion, intellect and Tirips, but then to concede leadership to Tirips? I suppose it is the intellect that harmonizes and understands it all this way, which does make the intellect a powerful element in this dynamic.  But it is an affirmation by the intellect of emotions more than control by the intellect that is happening with music. Is great music an attempt to find the order of the Sacred?

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