Sunday, February 02, 2014

Toward authentic contentment in the real world

Many attempts have been made to analyze the psychological discontent of modern and postmodern civilization, from Nietzsche to Freud, Jung, Marcuse, and modern Christian approaches, among others. Nietzsche's approach was mainly to bring naturalism back to values and morality and stop blocking the healthy instincts, which he believed Christianity did, and especially to affirm the will to power of exceptional individuals, or the “creators of values.” Freud took this basic anti-christian Nietzschean perspective but changed the dynamics from the power motive to the sexual motive, which he believed needed to be set free since he believed its repression was making people neurotic. Jung found God in the human unconscious as a grand archetype and said we would be healthy when we could integrate the God archetype of the unconscious into the rest of our conscious and unconscious lives. Marcuse applied Freud’s view of sexual repression to conservative cultural life, helping to create the cultural Marxism of political correctness. And Christian defenders seek to transcend human nature and barbaric human instincts, claiming that doing so is both divine law and natural law.

All of these approaches claimed that their way would help solve the discontent of our civilization. While each of these approaches had something to offer in trying to make civilization healthier---and some did damage to us (see Chilton Williamson, Chronicles, January 2014)---none of these approaches took full account of the great anchor of biology and sociobiology in human nature and culture. Actual life and death describe good and evil in the most basic way. Evolution defines progress. Our divinity has to be materially and supermaterially evolved to. We are not free to reject life and biology accept in inauthentic ways, our freedom is confined to circumscribed choices within our biology and environment. We are discontented mainly because we have falsely and in-authentically tried to escape what we actually are in the world. We are evolving in the world and in the cosmos, perhaps in a spiral direction, toward Godhood, shaped by natural selection and evolution. We can make conscious the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood which activates life toward  Godhood, shaped by outside evolution, and we can adjust ourselves and our civilization accordingly. This will bring us as much authentic contentment as is real in the world.

Revolution is not necessary, but the revitalization of tradition is necessary with the Twofold Path. The Inward God of Christianity---and traditional religions---was the first symbolic-experience of the real Godhood which can be reached through material and supermaterial evolution. The Involutionary Inward Path brings us to the Father Within of Christ (also of the Hindu tradition), after applying the ascetic discipline of blocking all desires to experience the God Within. But it is the Evolutionary Outward Path which brings us to real Godhood by way of evolution in the cosmos.  The sacred base so necessary for civilization is this way reapplied.

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