Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The highest model for humanity?

It is of course considered sacrilegious and heretical to state it, but the human being who experiences the blissful condition of nirvana, or the God-Within, or the Father Within (the Beatific Vision), or in the more modern terms of Ken Wilber, the person who experiences transrational or Universal Consciousness, is not the highest model and goal for humanity. In stark terms, this blissful condition is a high category of  hedonism hypertrophied and experienced by freeing the body and mind of all passion, and all material desires, which is no easy task.

What redeems this high spiritual hedonism? Seeing or understanding this blissful state as the symbolic-experience of the real Godhood reached by material and supermaterial evolution. Reaching Godhood requires material passions and desires, but passions and desires guided by Ordered Evolution toward continually advancing truth, beauty, goodness, intelligence, complexity, character and proportion, all evolving toward the zenith of these values and virtues, which is Godhood.

In the Twofold Path the blissful symbolic-experience of the Father Within is the highest destination of the Involutionary Inward Path, but real Godhood in evolution by way of the Evolutionary Outward Path is the highest model for future development toward Godhood.

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