Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How can moral naturalism be restored?

Was restoring moral naturalism the theme of the Enlightenment or was it more a restoring of Socratic reason as the new God? Moral naturalism was more clearly a theme with Darwin and Nietzsche. But then people began to sever ideas and morals from reality, with modern political lies, etc., advanced to advance a person or a group---which is, I suppose, a twisted form of naturalism. Can we get back to real moral naturalism?

When we present the Evolutionary Outward Path to the traditions of the Involutionary Inward Path religions this is seen as heresy, it seems to go against what we have been exclusively taught as the Inward Path to the God Within, the Father Within. The Inward Path moves against moral naturalism because it blocks or unattaches us from material desires and passions, unless we see the Inward Path  as a symbolic-experience of the Godhood reached by material and supermaterial evolution in the Outward Path. The fact that the Inward Path may advance the priest class is the transvalued connection with naturalism here.

The French have generally thought that a crisis has to reach its paroxysm and only then can it be resolved, which seems to affirm revolution rather than reform or conservatism. Is revolution the only means of real change? Perhaps the paroxysm of becoming extinct as other animals on earth are becoming extinct will help return us to moral naturalism. I agree with Cattell in thinking of revolution and war as an angry person turning over the chess table, it is almost always negative, progress stops until the war is ended, then the chess game of civilization and evolution can begin again. We need very long periods of order and research to advance ourselves forward in evolution toward Godhood. It is through Revitalized Conservatism and Ordered Evolution that the Twofold Path can best come forward, come what may.

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