Monday, February 24, 2014

Moral Naturalism

I think Nietzsche's moral naturalism (The Will To Power) made him the first sociobiologist. But he then seems to have given up on moral naturalism by affirming the “immoralist,” perhaps because he cynically thought that men and cultures could never be honest about their wills to power, when they were in fact only seeking to preserve themselves---go ahead and lie to advance yourselves, be Machiavellian, said Nietzsche.

I don't think we have to be that cynical regarding moral naturalism. Virtues can be openly created to help preserve a people and a culture, the findings of sociobiology can be affirmed, we don't need to be Machiavellian about it, we don't need to affirm the immoralist. But we can be skeptical of any “humaneness” (eg. cultural Marxism), as Nietzsche was, which is disguising the will to power. We can be moralists if we affirm moral naturalism, which naturally seeks success in survival and reproduction.

How can we do this? Better to affirm the naturalism of people living in their own regions and states, in accord with real human nature, where they don't need to be immoral in disguising the real virtues of preserving themselves. Ethnopluralism is one way, because in our crowded world today, imperialism is soon cut down to size, it doesn’t preserve any people for long. Then we can continue materially and super-materially evolving to Godhood in our own unique ways, which is where religion enters the realm of moral naturalism. We are capable of cooperative competition as we evolve, it is the morally natural way to save our planet and ourselves. People are soon going to reject these schemes which in fact deny human nature and nature itself  for the secret purpose of advancing themselves.

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