Sunday, February 16, 2014

The prince of darkness is not necessary in the Twofold Path

The material world is not the prince of darkness, Satan, which traditional religions essentially believe. This has helped cause the Great Spiritual Blockade against our material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood.

The problem seems to come from confounding the Outward Path with the Inward Path. The Involutionary Inward Path of traditional religions seeks the God Within, the Father Within, virtually exclusively among serious followers. Most of the values and morals of religion come from this goal of reaching the Inward God, which requires blocking all material desires, or becoming completely unattached to them. This is how the material world became Satan and the prince of darkness, blocking the way to our evolution to Godhood.

It is the Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution which leads to real Godhood, not the symbolic-experience of the Father Within of the Inward Path, however blissful it is. But rather than playing religious tit for tat, an eye for an eye, and making the Inward Path a trans-valued prince of darkness (as modern secularists seem to have done), we can affirm the Twofold Path, because the Inward Path understanding of God leads to the Outward Path sacred goal of evolving to Godhood in the cosmos, by way of material and supermaterial evolution. The prince of darkness is not necessary in the Twofold Path.

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