Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The damaging court etiquette of political correctness

The “court etiquette” of political correctness, which Lind correctly called cultural Marxism, is unnatural morality, it is a denaturalization (Nietzsche's term), an ideal severed from reality, it is really a means to power for the people who promote cultural Marxism. The cure for this very damaging Machiavellian scheme is the moral naturalism that rises out of the common sense of sociobiology, which calls reality reality without disguise, and openly states that the essential passions and instincts of every people is to preserve themselves. It is overdo time to stop the revenge-mentality and virtually permanent resentment that continues to follow the genetic and Darwinian ethos of the horrors of World War Two. Resentment, as most psychologists would agree, tends to block the truth and the development of more noble character traits, not only in individuals but in cultures.

The sciences of sociobiology and evolutionary psychology have, among other things, bravely led the way toward affirming natural differences between people, even as they are defining a universal human nature that challenges the political correctness of cultural Marxism. But political correctness is even creeping into these fields as we now consider ethnopluralism as a real and natural way for us all to “get along,” given our human nature. This is a value system that does not try to level and tyrannize one people over another but seeks to advance all people, all ethnic groups, living in their own unique regions, in their own unique ways, in accord with real human nature.

Then we can all get on with cooperating, or at least competitively cooperating, in the the sacred mission of evolving toward Godhood, here and out into the cosmos.  Unnatural empires demanding the court etiquette of political correctness inevitably break back down into small states.  Revolution is not necessary, our Constitution applauds the separation of powers and states, protected by a light federalism.  

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