Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Spirit-Will, Free Will and Evolution

The Spirit-Will activates all life to evolve to Godhood, but outside evolution shapes material life, and in doing so, the healthier, the more fit, the best, whether in brain or brawn, have success in survival and reproduction, and can also move upward in evolution.  This is not cruelty on the part of nature toward the unsuccessful, this is simply real life and real evolution preferring the best to proceed.  The activation of the Spirit-Will does not assure the evolution to Godhood, but it seeks for all material life to attain Godhood. This gives evolution more choice, even more randomness than an absolutely determined Spirit-Will-material-life would supply. “Free will” is not the Spirit-Will but it acts something like the Spirit-Will in man. Free will is connected to determinative things so it is not entirely free. We have choices in what we do but they are not unlimited choices. The goal is determined but the path is freer.

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