Thursday, June 18, 2020

Why theological materialism doesn't have to venture into spiritualism

Materialism doesn't have to venture into spiritualism, materialism covers all the forms of matter all the way to Godhood. Matter is convertible into energy or light (photons or atoms of light), the same matter can change from solid to liquid to gas. The beginning world-cosmos originally can have been in the material form of vibrating atoms of light, then as the world cooled the forms of matter changed to their other forms of matter and those various forms of matter interacted and selected in evolutionary ways, eventually evolving us. Matter evolved to be materially activated from within toward metabolism, growth, reproduction, which suggests direction toward an end, at least toward survival and reproductive success, or evolutionary success in the world...No need for spiritualism in that dynamic. Energy or light is not God, it's a primitive form of matter. The deepest drive of “life” is toward evolving in the material world to ascending levels of Godhood, supermaterial Godhood, which is also the zenith of success in material life.

Theological materialism instinctively and logically suggests totality, more than a total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk”), more a total religion which can include all distinctive groups politically living and evolving toward Godhood in an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, with as much social order as is possible given real kin and ethnic centered human nature, and retaining their uniqueness.

The philosophy of theological materialism sounds fantastical, unreal, phantasmagorical, but it is also down to earth, material, practical, and we determinedly need it in our increasingly chaotic world.

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