Sunday, June 28, 2020

Why money-loving and class-loving libertarians won't save us

Greg Gutfeld said on Fox that he would rather be with a winner black than a loser white, which describes the specious philosophy of libertarians. The idea apparently looks good or right but it lacks real merit; it is superficially pleasing or plausible to the ear but is deceptive.

The individualistic Libertarian's usually define “winning” in terms of money, which eventually leads to a moneyed elite class and to the neoconservatism which brought us the globalism and border-less world that has all but destroyed America. A nation can't be bonded together by a globalist and border-less moneyed elite, as we see today with the racial riots continuing in our cities.

Whether Gutfeld and his tribe admit it or not the poor white and the poor black bond better with the rich of their own race or ethnic group than with another race or ethnic group because groups of related genes such as ethnic groups have numerous reasons for cooperating more successfully and harmoniously than with other ethnic groups.

Biology is the hardware, culture is only the software. The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group. Real human nature is ethnocentric, not with one group overall superior or inferior but with different talents, never equal, because for many thousands of years right up to our present time group selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction, so we became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic.

I believe that one day in the future humans will realize that a true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Money-loving and class-loving libertarians won't save us.

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