Saturday, June 06, 2020

What is the internal coherence and necessity of a great culture? (from 2013)

The form of culture is shaped by the content of culture, but both form and content are instinctively shaped by the traits of the people or ethnic group which live within the culture. What great cultures have is what Nietzsche called an “exalted and overall transfiguring goal,” a “mastery of the drives.” At this time the Media has taken the place of real culture promoting multiculturalism, leaving us with virtually no culture, a degenerating motley circus.

What is the internal coherence and necessity of culture? Successful survival and reproduction, but more than that, a continuing evolution toward the zenith of beauty, truth and goodness in the people and in the culture, seeking the ultimate goal of materially evolving to Godhood in the cosmos.

This is not myth-religion as illusion and deception, contrary to the interpretations of Nietzsche and Freud, this is real material life and evolution with a sacred goal. We need more than the mere goalless explanations of science and history, we need actual philosophically religious direction as a sound basis for the turn to evolutionary religion.

Early Nietzsche thought the Ancient Greeks (Hellenes) saved their culture not by cutting the Gordian Knot but by tying it back together again into a stylistic unity in their diversity. We need to do that with an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Light federalism can unify and protect divergent states with divergent ethnic groups, each with its own traits and behavior; then we can---all of us, or some of us, the choice is free---consciously pursue our evolution toward ascending levels of Godhood, toward beauty, truth and goodness, with the help of religion and science, and with politics and art affirming the overall transfiguring goal.  

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