Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The best long-term way to civilize us all

What if angry whites returned the same mau-mauing, denouncing, intimidating, rioting, and trashing of blacks that the blacks have done to whites and white properties over the past week?

Given real kin and ethnocentric human nature the best long-term way to civilize us all is to gradually and legally separate the racial combatants into ethnostates.

Will we be able to overcome the very successful culturally Marxist brainwashing by all our schools and the Media?

The demand for real natural rights should lead to a legal American constitutional separation of powers and states into regional ethnostates, where real human nature could be free to be as kin-selecting and ethnocentric as we have always been since paleolithic times, protected by federalism.

We wont have much peace or civil order until we do.

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