Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Better to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than superiority/inferiority

As the racial protests and riots continue and the rioters stupidly destroy their own neighborhoods and businesses (with help from international radicals) the taboo subject of IQ differences comes up. But even as I admire the courage of the authors for attempting the truth on the taboo subject of IQ differences, if it leads to more attempts at the supremacy or imperial dominance of one race over all others, whether noble, chosen or savage, it is a bad survival and reproductive strategy, especially in today's overcrowded world, because the unincluded groups always gang up on and defeat the supremacy-claiming group, and on it goes.

It would be better long-term strategy to promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted from the constitutional separation of powers and states, and better to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than about superiority/inferiority. Real upward evolution probably likes the variety of ethnostates better anyway, and they certainly fit well with real human nature, which is primarily kin and ethnic centered.

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