Saturday, June 27, 2020

Speculations on sacred positive art in theological materialism (from the archive)

In the arts theological materialism does not, as in traditionalism with its negative theology, search for or “recall” a lost paradise. The positive theology of theological materialism is not about a lost paradise but about a future paradise reached by material evolution. The activating the material spirit or will (Tirips) within the body does not mourn for a lost paradise but anticipates the paradise to come in evolution, working along with with natural selection and evolution.

Indeed if inward Tirips “remembers” paradise, as Plato suggested, it is not a lost paradise but a future supermaterial paradise, which helps activate material evolution.

Art should be ascending more than descending. The Inner Path descends to Tirips within but then the Outer Path ascends to the
supermaterial destination of Tirips, not within, but without, in its material evolution to Godhood. Traditionalism only descends to the inward soul, which is in reality a peak material experience, seeing no ascent through materialism.

In Traditionalism greatness tends to stop at the soul within. In the positive theology of theological materialism the “Dance of Shiva” brings Atma (spiritual) back to Maya (material) not Maya back to Atma, as in negative theology. The inner is brought to the outer, the inner is only secondary to the outer material evolution to Godhood.

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