Saturday, June 20, 2020

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy

With theological materialism religious ends can be achieved by political means and political means can be achieved by religious means without evoking a spiritual universalism that does not exists. Spiritual universalism has not been enough to bond distinctly different people harmoniously together in peace because spiritualism essentially does not truly care about the material world since the true way to reach their God is to rid yourself of all material desires. Not so with theological materialism where life materially evolves to ascending levels of real Godhood, which means that life, culture, religion, and politics should be vital in reaching Godhood.

When material man is studied and honestly payed attention to, as is done for the most part in the science of sociobiology, real human nature can be more accurately defined to help us find a better way for distinctly different people to live on earth, without evoking a spiritual universalism that does not exists.

The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group. For many thousands of years right up to our present time group-selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction. So human nature was selected by evolution to became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

A better more real and more natural formula for both conservatives and liberals would be to: “Follow real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior.” A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism.

We can indeed immanentize the eschaton, attain Godhood directly within nature and evolution, when we affirm that evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood. That may lead us to affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy.

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