Saturday, June 13, 2020

Conservatives have not realized that multiculturalism has made their nations too diverse for nationalism to take hold

If they want to revive America conservative's need to make a serious study of the evolutionary science of sociobiology. Read Edward O. Wilson's books, he is as accessible as Marx, and much wiser. Don't study “political science” until you first study sociobiology. The evolutionary sciences should be taught front and center in the humanities. Why isn't sociobiology featured in the humanities? You know the answer, sociobiology is not politically correct in that nefarious culturally Marxist sense which is taught in all our colleges and universities.

The biological origin of our social behavior, as empirically explained by sociobiology, actually ends the intellectual defense of the modern liberals and the postmodern relativists. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. Any existing values or "relativity" of values come from the various social and cultural methods we try (including postmodernism) to unconsciously or consciously biologically and genetically advance our kin, related ethnic group, locality and nation.

So the path is open to American conservatives and nationalists to adapt the American constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Real human nature and natural rights relate very well to primary group-selection, with individual selection as secondary, which can be affirmed in the constitutional separation of powers and states with regional ethnostates. In the natural configuration of ethnostates human nature can be free to be as it is, kin-selecting, group-selecting, and even xenophobic, while being protected by federalism.

Will Tucker Carlson who is conservative and raves against ethnocentrism every night on television go there? Conservative's have not realized yet that multiculturalism has made their nations too diverse for nationalism to take hold, and their universalist religion will not allow them to affirm the biological origin of social behavior and ethnocentrism as basic to real human nature. Modern liberals think nationalism and ethnocentrism are evil and they suicidally embrace open border universalism. So reforming the Western world will be a grim undertaking.

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