Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Speculation on religious origins (from the archive)

Perhaps in the distant past Proto-Indo-European warriors of the mythical Hyperborea discovered techniques for helping them to endure distress before battle without mental disturbance, which gave them advantage over their competitors. Specialists in these techniques developed, teaching initiated warriors etc. Gradually this class of specialists became a priest class.

As long as the techniques for helping warriors to endure distress were used for the warrior purposes, the great metaphysical error was undeveloped. This was perhaps the high point in ancient Indo-European Civilization, that is, when the Inward Soul was reached primarily for the purpose of helping warriors to victory. When attaining the Soul Within became an end in itself decline set in. The priest class became ascendant over the warrior class. The Soul Within was declared the Kingdom of God Within, and the primary purpose of existence was now to attain this God or Soul Within. Material life, including the warrior life, was degraded and the Great Spiritual Blockade of material life and material evolution began in earnest.

All the Revealed Religions followed this Inward Path in what has since been called the Perennial Philosophy. Perhaps some branches sought to return the balance between warriors and priests. Perhaps Zarathushtra, or his ancestors, diverged from the main group for this reason. But all branches continued the great error of defining the Soul Within as God, and all branches continued the Great Spiritual Blockade against the material world.

Theological materialism seeks to address this ancient error. Tirips (formerly the Spirit which could be called the Spark of the Soul) is defined as the inward material force activating material life to evolve toward Godhood.

I do not reject the Soul Within as the secularists do, I affirm the Soul Within as the Involutionary Inward Path perhaps first discovered by ancient Proto-Indo-Europeans and later continued in the revealed religions. I define Godhood as that which we must materially evolve to, activated by Tirips Within, which is the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood.

We could describe that
period when the Soul Within was declared God as a great ancient metaphysical error which over time led to general decline.

Monday, June 29, 2020

What is an American evolutionary conservative?

I consider myself an American evolutionary conservative, oxymoronic as that phrase sounds. To prevent expanding racial strife due to demographic changes, and to prevent a civil war which could break the union resulting in totalitarianism from the left or the right, I advocate patriotically conserving the union by legally expanding the constitutional separation of powers and states to become an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. 

For many years now (Darwin was born in 1809) the evolutionary sciences have been showing us that human nature is genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, and therefore we can now see that a true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by federalism. 

I am against the racial hatred or supremacism that naturally rises in multicultural multi-ethnic societies. Multicultural multi-ethnic societies create a a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group; an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups can calm down the racial hatred and supremacism. 

We may not yet be open to conserving the union by legally expanding the constitutional separation of powers and states to become an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, but "the day after tomorrow" we will be.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Why money-loving and class-loving libertarians won't save us

Greg Gutfeld said on Fox that he would rather be with a winner black than a loser white, which describes the specious philosophy of libertarians. The idea apparently looks good or right but it lacks real merit; it is superficially pleasing or plausible to the ear but is deceptive.

The individualistic Libertarian's usually define “winning” in terms of money, which eventually leads to a moneyed elite class and to the neoconservatism which brought us the globalism and border-less world that has all but destroyed America. A nation can't be bonded together by a globalist and border-less moneyed elite, as we see today with the racial riots continuing in our cities.

Whether Gutfeld and his tribe admit it or not the poor white and the poor black bond better with the rich of their own race or ethnic group than with another race or ethnic group because groups of related genes such as ethnic groups have numerous reasons for cooperating more successfully and harmoniously than with other ethnic groups.

Biology is the hardware, culture is only the software. The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group. Real human nature is ethnocentric, not with one group overall superior or inferior but with different talents, never equal, because for many thousands of years right up to our present time group selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction, so we became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic.

I believe that one day in the future humans will realize that a true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Money-loving and class-loving libertarians won't save us.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Speculations on sacred positive art in theological materialism (from the archive)

In the arts theological materialism does not, as in traditionalism with its negative theology, search for or “recall” a lost paradise. The positive theology of theological materialism is not about a lost paradise but about a future paradise reached by material evolution. The activating the material spirit or will (Tirips) within the body does not mourn for a lost paradise but anticipates the paradise to come in evolution, working along with with natural selection and evolution.

Indeed if inward Tirips “remembers” paradise, as Plato suggested, it is not a lost paradise but a future supermaterial paradise, which helps activate material evolution.

Art should be ascending more than descending. The Inner Path descends to Tirips within but then the Outer Path ascends to the
supermaterial destination of Tirips, not within, but without, in its material evolution to Godhood. Traditionalism only descends to the inward soul, which is in reality a peak material experience, seeing no ascent through materialism.

In Traditionalism greatness tends to stop at the soul within. In the positive theology of theological materialism the “Dance of Shiva” brings Atma (spiritual) back to Maya (material) not Maya back to Atma, as in negative theology. The inner is brought to the outer, the inner is only secondary to the outer material evolution to Godhood.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Even as freedom of the press is upheld the schools and the media need to be exposed for what they are and who they are

The Trump-haters I have met loathe Trump to a degree I have never seen before with any politician. Why the deep hatred? 

It was the schools and the media who directly and indirectly brainwashed virtually all college educated people with the cultural Marxism that came to dominate the colleges and universities at least since the 1960's. That would include many in the deep state who tried to destroy Trump.  

Disguised and undisguised cultural Marxism spewed out by the schools and the media has all but destroyed traditional America; the schools and the media must be seen as directly and indirectly instigating the recent protests and riots across the country trashing our historical symbols and burning our cities.

Merely calling them the “fake media” is way too mild. Even as freedom of the press is upheld the schools and the media need to be exposed for what they are, and who they are, and one way or another their power has to be greatly diminished.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Evolution is also not only teleological but theological

The Romantic conception of the transformation and morphogenesis of molecules, plants, and animals, was already fully evolutionary. Schelling spoke of evolution of plants and animals out of the earth by way of a chemical process (see, e.g., p. 168, The Romantic Conception of Life by Robert Richards). Goethe and Coleridge agreed...The reason Darwin is supposed to have discovered the “real” evolution is that his version is a-teleological, based on a conception of nature driven exclusively by efficient causes, while the Romantic theory of evolution is not only teleological, but theological. It breaks the rules of scientific explanation by attributing animation/agency to that which it theorizes. Modern science takes it as a matter of course that nature is without intelligence or intrinsic value...” (“Footnotes to Plato”)

Romantic Naturphilosophen like Goethe, Coleridge and Schelling conceived of nature as a creative archetypal process of generation. They thought “Nature is God and God is Nature” which is not exactly the same Godhood as theological materialism. Theological materialism attributes an inward material agency activating life (Tirips) to continually evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood, while working along with natural selection and evolution.

I think future religion depends on breaking the taboo that evolving life has no teleological or theological goal. Evolution also moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood. Religion becomes an aid in that sacred goal.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Who benefits most from this destruction of Western high and low culture?

Our ethnic-racial, heroic, political, and religious past is being destroyed by the protesters and rioters, which looks like revolution from below of the lower classes/races but it was the professors in all our colleges and universities who support this revolution, and the Media who affirms them, that led to the present destruction of our cultural and biological being.

Such hooey as “post-structuralist” deconstruction, Lacanian analysis, ect. was brought to our colleges and universities by French intellectuals and it was greedily picked up by American professors desperate to publish academic work to further their careers or perish. The gibberish of postmodernism was also a way to attack the hated traditional West since most of these academics were Marxist, or cultural Marxists.

In one or two simplified herculean sweeps the verdicts of the science of sociobiology could clean out the Augean stables of our postmodern humanities departments, which contain a great amount of horseshit. Edward O. Wilson, the father of the science of sociobiology wrote: "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool. The brain is a product of evolution. Human behavior. . .is the circuitous technique by which human genetic material has been and will be kept intact.

Meanwhile they are pulling down all our historical statues and trashing all our cities. Who benefits most from this destruction of Western high and low culture? Modern liberalism is disguised in a zero sum game as a cultural front for the will-to-power and dominance of some individuals and some ethnic groups over other ethnic groups. I see an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted from our constitutional separation of powers and states as the healthy and rational way to deal with this competition, which in multicultural states ends up destroying all cultures and civilizations.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Racism is not the main reason the police are involved with blacks, black crime is

Though blacks are 24 percent of New York City’s population, they committed 68.5 percent of all murders, rapes, robberies, and assaults in the city in 2018, and the statistics in Chicago are similar. Of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites in 2013, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. That is why the police are involved so much with these people; if they want the police out of their neighborhoods then they should stop committing the crimes. Any person or group who is actively opposed or hostile to the police is the enemy of American peace and order.  

That being said, people are racists and ethnocentric, this certainly includes blacks who are among the most racist and ethnocentric people I know of, surpassed only by the Jews---whites have become the least racist and ethnocentric people. But this reality is hidden due to the cultural Marxism that controls our schools and the Media.

Real human nature is ethnocentric and racist because for tens of thousands of years right up to our present time group selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way for individuals and groups to be successful in survival and reproduction. So human nature became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

A true natural rights or civil rights movement would not attempt to install multiculturalism but would see that in reality we have a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group. A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc. and defended by federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. We won't have some measure of peace and order between the races until we separate into ethnostates.

Monday, June 22, 2020

The artist's eye (from 2013)

Frederic Turner wrote, “ ...the artist must sail into the unknown, cutting blazes as he or she goes along, blazes that consist of a combination of some symbols already known and some open to question, a grotesque paradox, that opens up the new territory of perception...”

Turner also quotes Shakespeare from “A Midsummer Night's Dream”:

The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling,
  Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven.
  And as imagination bodies forth
  The Forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
  Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
  A local habitation and a name.”

By seeking beauty art affirms Godhood. Evolving increasingly beautiful, intelligent and noble beings moves us closer to Godhood, which is the evolved zenith of these things. We materially evolve to Godhood in the material/supermaterial world, which is the most scared subject of art in theological materialism.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The fall and potential rise again of America

How it fell: The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 greatly added to the radical demographic change in America which favored immigration from non-European countries. White student population declined from 85 percent in 1970 to 49 percent in 2015. Non-whites have been giving birth faster than whites and whites are dying faster than being born. By 2043 white people will no longer be a majority and are already a minority in some states. Schools, churches, and the media have been singing hymns to diversity and multiculturalism, and the conservative's have only applauded free markets while calling for a pause in immigration for assimilation to take place. But assimilation has not and will not take place because distinctly different cultures and biological differences prevent assimilation, while intermarriage and the assimilation of biological and cultural patterns alters the essential characteristics of both ethnic groups.

The liberal or socialist vision will not bring America together---with all the power wielded by Soviet communism it could not force people to act internationally or to be interracially altruistic and the Soviet union soon split into separates ethnostates. Distinctly different ethnic groups create distinctly different cultures.

So America as we have known it is over.

How America can rise again: If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, and finally ethnostates. In the U. S. this could be accomplished by legally adapting the U.S. constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, by a defensive federalism.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy

With theological materialism religious ends can be achieved by political means and political means can be achieved by religious means without evoking a spiritual universalism that does not exists. Spiritual universalism has not been enough to bond distinctly different people harmoniously together in peace because spiritualism essentially does not truly care about the material world since the true way to reach their God is to rid yourself of all material desires. Not so with theological materialism where life materially evolves to ascending levels of real Godhood, which means that life, culture, religion, and politics should be vital in reaching Godhood.

When material man is studied and honestly payed attention to, as is done for the most part in the science of sociobiology, real human nature can be more accurately defined to help us find a better way for distinctly different people to live on earth, without evoking a spiritual universalism that does not exists.

The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group. For many thousands of years right up to our present time group-selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction. So human nature was selected by evolution to became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

A better more real and more natural formula for both conservatives and liberals would be to: “Follow real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior.” A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism.

We can indeed immanentize the eschaton, attain Godhood directly within nature and evolution, when we affirm that evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood. That may lead us to affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Trump-haters have immature and unrealistic values and priorities

Most Trump-haters I encounter object to his arrogant and self-centered personality more than anything else and they won't vote for him mainly for that reason, which tells me that Trump-haters have immature and unrealistic values and priorities. Few people on the right or the left like Trump's personalty, but he has been able to get very big things done, like bringing manufacturing back to America, as well as bringing our far flung military home, which no other president has been able to do.

Why are Trump haters so immature? It's mainly due to the Trump-hating schools and the Trump-hating media which now influence people more than religion or even family. The massive fraud of cultural Marxism, radical feminism, homosexuality, postmodern relativism, has been perpetuated in the West through our schools and the media. While patriotic Americans were busy working, raising children, going to church, and serving in the military, they barely noticed the vile and nefarious march through our schools and through the media.

What can we do about it? The biological origin of our social behavior, as empirically explained by sociobiology, actually ends the intellectual defense of cultural Marxism and postmodern relativism. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success for ourselves, our kin, and our ethnic groups. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied.

A defense of real human nature affirms in general the populist nationalism and identity politics now trying to rise in the corrupted West, which could one day lead to the political and cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, legally adapted from our American constitutional separation of powers and states, and protected by federalism.

It will not be easy, but really have no better choice. The death of traditional America is the likely alternative.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Why theological materialism doesn't have to venture into spiritualism

Materialism doesn't have to venture into spiritualism, materialism covers all the forms of matter all the way to Godhood. Matter is convertible into energy or light (photons or atoms of light), the same matter can change from solid to liquid to gas. The beginning world-cosmos originally can have been in the material form of vibrating atoms of light, then as the world cooled the forms of matter changed to their other forms of matter and those various forms of matter interacted and selected in evolutionary ways, eventually evolving us. Matter evolved to be materially activated from within toward metabolism, growth, reproduction, which suggests direction toward an end, at least toward survival and reproductive success, or evolutionary success in the world...No need for spiritualism in that dynamic. Energy or light is not God, it's a primitive form of matter. The deepest drive of “life” is toward evolving in the material world to ascending levels of Godhood, supermaterial Godhood, which is also the zenith of success in material life.

Theological materialism instinctively and logically suggests totality, more than a total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk”), more a total religion which can include all distinctive groups politically living and evolving toward Godhood in an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, with as much social order as is possible given real kin and ethnic centered human nature, and retaining their uniqueness.

The philosophy of theological materialism sounds fantastical, unreal, phantasmagorical, but it is also down to earth, material, practical, and we determinedly need it in our increasingly chaotic world.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

In the next natural transvaluation of Vedic-Platonic cosmogony we need to unblock the Great Spiritual Blockade of material evolution to real Godhood

Contrary to the Traditionalist school it is the idea of Maya that is mistaken, which says that the material world is an unreal illusion and the spiritual world is real, when it is the material world that is real; the spiritual “God” is only inwardly and materially experienced as bliss when all the desires are gotten rid of by the ascetics. 
The mirror-inward God may or may not help us understand the real outside Godhood which is evolved to in the material-supermaterial world. The inward God or Father-within dissolves in the outward God, not the other way around. The evolution of material/supermaterial life has ascending levels of Godhood, whereas the mirror inward God is a blissful ascetic illusion. 
There are probably many Gods that attain ascending levels of Godhood. Although the most evolved Gods may have great power in the world the Gods may or may not help to govern the primary cosmos, we will have to evolve higher to know; but we do know that the sacred material activation of life within life, or Tirips, working in conjunction with natural selection and evolution, does govern the material worlds.
In the next natural transvaluation of Vedic-Platonic cosmogony we need to unblock the Great Spiritual Blockade of material evolution to real Godhood.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Better to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than superiority/inferiority

As the racial protests and riots continue and the rioters stupidly destroy their own neighborhoods and businesses (with help from international radicals) the taboo subject of IQ differences comes up. But even as I admire the courage of the authors for attempting the truth on the taboo subject of IQ differences, if it leads to more attempts at the supremacy or imperial dominance of one race over all others, whether noble, chosen or savage, it is a bad survival and reproductive strategy, especially in today's overcrowded world, because the unincluded groups always gang up on and defeat the supremacy-claiming group, and on it goes.

It would be better long-term strategy to promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted from the constitutional separation of powers and states, and better to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than about superiority/inferiority. Real upward evolution probably likes the variety of ethnostates better anyway, and they certainly fit well with real human nature, which is primarily kin and ethnic centered.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The condition of American democracy today

If we look at the condition of American democracy today with the ongoing protests and riots across the country, with four congresswomen known as 'The Squad' loudly calling for defunding or abolishing the police during the rioting, it makes me wonder if Ancient Greek democracy knew something we don't know when they excluded women, slaves, and foreigners from voting; but then I remember that a better way to judge democracy is to evaluate how well democracy accords with real human nature as defined by the science of sociobiology.

Real human nature doesn't harmonize well the Squad, who are affirmed by the leftist mainstream Media along with the cultural Marxism they espouse. It is the dwindling silent majority of mostly white Christians whose votes of restraint and common sense are keeping the country from utterly falling apart.

Human nature is is genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group.

Given real human nature, a true civil rights or natural rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., defended by a defensive federalism.  An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. That is the most humane solution to our deepening identity crisis.

Then democracy and representative government might have a chance to work, at least in some of the ethnostates.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Conservatives have not realized that multiculturalism has made their nations too diverse for nationalism to take hold

If they want to revive America conservative's need to make a serious study of the evolutionary science of sociobiology. Read Edward O. Wilson's books, he is as accessible as Marx, and much wiser. Don't study “political science” until you first study sociobiology. The evolutionary sciences should be taught front and center in the humanities. Why isn't sociobiology featured in the humanities? You know the answer, sociobiology is not politically correct in that nefarious culturally Marxist sense which is taught in all our colleges and universities.

The biological origin of our social behavior, as empirically explained by sociobiology, actually ends the intellectual defense of the modern liberals and the postmodern relativists. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. Any existing values or "relativity" of values come from the various social and cultural methods we try (including postmodernism) to unconsciously or consciously biologically and genetically advance our kin, related ethnic group, locality and nation.

So the path is open to American conservatives and nationalists to adapt the American constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Real human nature and natural rights relate very well to primary group-selection, with individual selection as secondary, which can be affirmed in the constitutional separation of powers and states with regional ethnostates. In the natural configuration of ethnostates human nature can be free to be as it is, kin-selecting, group-selecting, and even xenophobic, while being protected by federalism.

Will Tucker Carlson who is conservative and raves against ethnocentrism every night on television go there? Conservative's have not realized yet that multiculturalism has made their nations too diverse for nationalism to take hold, and their universalist religion will not allow them to affirm the biological origin of social behavior and ethnocentrism as basic to real human nature. Modern liberals think nationalism and ethnocentrism are evil and they suicidally embrace open border universalism. So reforming the Western world will be a grim undertaking.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Deeper modern myth-religion is required (from 2013)

Old and new myths grew out of human nature and the needs of survival and reproduction in often harsh environments. If we connect mythology to sociobiology we can have a basis for comparison.

For example, Joseph Campbell complained about how the patriarchal myths of the Hebrews and Aryans subjugated the old Goddess myths, but human nature as defined by sociobiology was represented in both mythologies. In the Goddess myths differences in gender remained, men tended to be hunters and warriors, women were gatherers and nurturers, men were men, women were women, and so on, with few exceptions, not unlike the patriarchal mythologies. Particular environments and ethnic peculiarities determined the emphasis, balance, and differences in myth.

It is modern myths that conflict with both ancient mythology and sociobiology. In modern mythology who rules? The politically correct or culturally Marxist media rules. Who are the rebel heroes? Those who object to cultural Marxism. What represents the divine? The Big Bang? Technology? Who are the great goddesses and patriarchs? Billionaires and movie stars. Hedonism rules. Technology rules. Individualism rules. This will not do. Deeper myth-religion is required.

I say what will rise is evolutionary religion, which is philosophically and scientifically based in theological materialism. We are all evolving to Godhood in the cosmos, the God first seen inwardly by the great religions. This will do, and it need not have too much conflict with the old mythologies, old religions, or sociobiology.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hopeful future thinking during tough times: A short introduction to the Twofold Path and the projected Theoevolutionary Church (from 2013)

The transfiguring goal for Friedrich Nietzsche in his early writings was the creation of great men, a republic of genius. Although that was important it was not enough. Renewal requires the religious goal of our material evolution to Godhood in the cosmos, which brings a far more exalted renewal of consciousness, and contains the power to revive religion, philosophy and art in the modern world.

Early Nietzsche could not see his way out of the loss of both religion and science other than through the rebirth of art-myth as a guide to truth, along with creating individual great men as the goal of culture. Nietzsche thought that this loss of myth was the result of the reasoning ideal of Socrates which supposedly destroyed myth, and also after the “historical sense” and the abstract pursuit of knowledge for knowledge sake in modern times further destroyed myth and religion. Nietzsche thought Kant helped this destruction along by showing the limits of knowledge, and Schopenhauer by adding the Will as the superior force to all knowledge.

It is not essentially tragic music, as Nietzsche and Schopenhauer thought, which expresses “the immediate language of the will,” it is evolution. It is not the will to power but the material inward evolutionary will to Godhood, or Tirips, that activates life and is the real source for a renewal of mythopoetic power, which evolution and natural selection then shapes. Evolution is the source of the super-epic for art, affirming the high struggle to attain Godhood. Art can bring religion to life but it is not religion.

Religion and philosophy can recognize evolutionary religion, politics can help create it, and art and religious rituals can affirm it. Our evolution can even be democratic, with a federal system respecting and protecting the independent parts of the whole, ethnostates can be affirmed maintaining the separate variety which advances evolution best; we can gradually evolve beyond the human sub-species toward ascending levels of Godhood.

The Twofold Path brings together inward traditional religion with outward material-supermaterial evolution. The Twofold Path offers conservatism and synthesis to religion and science, and allows the new to work along with the old, without the damage done from radical revolution, and most importantly it offers the divine evolutionary path to real Godhood.

I did not erect theological materialism on the ruins of Christianity, as modern thinkers did with science and the humanities, I wanted to renew the building, not tear it down. This rebirth was done through the Twofold Path, where the God-Within, the Father-Within, is seen as the first glimpse, or the mirror of the Godhood reached through material and supermaterial evolution. But this was a revelatory insight too and not done simply to retain Christianity, and not done because I respect the conservative thinkers who see the great value for life in traditions.

Theological materialism and the projected Theoevolutionary Church revive both religion and science after modern life could not retrieve them as a satisfactory guide to truth. This brings along Nietzsche's goal of evolving increasingly great men, and also the sacred goal of attaining real Godhood in evolution in the Outward Path, the outward God first seen and mirrored in the Inward Path of the great religions.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

America and the West is in full identity crisis

Watching our congressional representatives and some of our police taking a knee in obeisance to the Black Lives Matter movement, which is a black power movement, clearly shows us that America and the West is in full identity crisis, caused mainly by the schools and the Media, who have successfully imposed a radical deracination or displacement of American culture with a cultural Marxism that affirms nonwhites over whites, disguised as a call for equality.

The schools and the Media have transformed students and citizens into identifying with a rootless universal “humanity” replacing the way American's naturally identified with their own ancestors and traditions and their own genetic ethnic/racial roots. How can America and the West find its way out of its serious identity crisis when the schools and the Media, who mainly caused the identity crises, won't even allow calling it an identity crisis?

The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group, as we see whites now dying faster than being born while other races are breeding faster than dying.

Real human nature is ethnocentric, not with one group overall superior or inferior but with different talents, never equal, because for many thousands of years right up to our present time group selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction. So human nature became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Is their a way out of our serious identity crisis? Yes, if we will take it.  A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. That is the most humane solution to our deepening identity crisis.

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

What “back to the real material object” means

If Heidegger was interested more in the world of becoming than in being, and if for him Dasein is human nature and exists in the realm of time, and if he could go further and say that Godhood or Being is also in the realm of true material being, which is evolved to in the material and supermaterial world, then I could affirm Heidegger. But as far as I can see he does not affirm these things.

God or Being in both religion and philosophy has been mistaken for a name or symbol or bliss experience only. This led to the apotheosis of naming when God or Being was given a spiritual-only, non-material name, or idea, or symbol, and not seen as a living or future living material/supermaterial object or objects. This does not mean that God is rejected, it means that the name of Godhood needs to be transformed from a mere spiritual name, idea, or bliss experience, into a living or future material/supermaterial living thing, object, or objects, evolved to in ascending levels within the material world. 

That is what “back to the real material object” means to me. There has been too much airy-fairy game-playing going on among intellectuals, and the real world has not become healthier.

Monday, June 08, 2020

Thoughts on classic functions of new myth/religion/philosophy (from 2013)

Culture's take on specific shapes related to their environments and the ethnic/racial traits of the citizens which forms a “style” of consciousness as well as the forms of art, architecture etc. But in theological materialism all cultures are activated by the universal, as seen with the same goal of evolving to Godhood in the cosmos. The “universal” is supplied by theological materialism and the life-activating material Spirit-Will, or Tirips. The “specific” is elaborated by the cultural-ethnic-environment in which the universal proceeds.

The political or practical ramifications of this myth-religion/philosophy suggests small states or ethnostates to accommodate kin and ethnic centered human nature and nature itself, protected internally by the citizens and externally by a defensive federalism, and guided by science, religion and the universal goals of theological materialism in the evolution of life to Godhood in the cosmos. The artistic ramifications lead to the affirmation of the sacred myth-religion/philosophy through popular art and high art.

This supplies the classic functions of myth/religion/philosophy as defined by the mythologists (eg. Jung, Eliade, Campbell), that is, a sacred religion of evolution to Godhood in the cosmos, sacred new/old images in relation to our time and place, the creation and bonding of values and morals, and helping us to live our daily lives.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

The destruction and re-construction of identity

If you don't know who are, you are weaker and less healthy than you should be. But when your identity has been denied to you it is not all your fault.

We have been cut off from our biological and cultural roots and thus from our real selves. Biology and cultural fit together, or should, and it works the same for all ethnic or racial groups, because the biological origin of social behavior and human nature are basically the same for all groups; we are genetically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection followed by individual selection.

Cultural identity and tradition are not enough, they need to be joined with your biological/genetic and racial identity. You are a victim of the destruction of your identity if your whole identity is denied to you.

Our culturally Marxist culture today denies us the knowledge of our real identities, this is especially true now for whites who are taught in virtually all the schools and in the Media that our history and our race is evil, while at the same time praising and championing the identify and history of the minority races. This has led to much civil unrest.

The remedy for the loss of identity for all ethnic and racial groups and for the civil unrest it causes, is not to try to destroy all ethnic/racial identities and create a non-biological Marxist identity, or even to create a non-biological religious identity, and the remedy is not to have one group gain supremacy over others; the deepest and truest remedy is to adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge of real human nature. When real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it naturally leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

White liberals will cuckold themselves out of existence

I am ashamed and deeply angry at liberal white leaders who are responding to the riotous looting, killing, and destruction of our cities by calling for the defunding of the police! How did white liberals become so weak and stupid! 

It will probably give President Trump a massive win in the coming election, but then what? Another civil war? What suicidal sickness. Given real kin and ethnic centered human nature we may have more hell to come before we can have real peace and order in the United States. By then white liberals will have cuckolded themselves out of existence.

If we want to survive we will eventually need to separate the ethnic combatants with an ethnopluralism of ethnostates legally established through our constitutional separation of powers and states.

What is the internal coherence and necessity of a great culture? (from 2013)

The form of culture is shaped by the content of culture, but both form and content are instinctively shaped by the traits of the people or ethnic group which live within the culture. What great cultures have is what Nietzsche called an “exalted and overall transfiguring goal,” a “mastery of the drives.” At this time the Media has taken the place of real culture promoting multiculturalism, leaving us with virtually no culture, a degenerating motley circus.

What is the internal coherence and necessity of culture? Successful survival and reproduction, but more than that, a continuing evolution toward the zenith of beauty, truth and goodness in the people and in the culture, seeking the ultimate goal of materially evolving to Godhood in the cosmos.

This is not myth-religion as illusion and deception, contrary to the interpretations of Nietzsche and Freud, this is real material life and evolution with a sacred goal. We need more than the mere goalless explanations of science and history, we need actual philosophically religious direction as a sound basis for the turn to evolutionary religion.

Early Nietzsche thought the Ancient Greeks (Hellenes) saved their culture not by cutting the Gordian Knot but by tying it back together again into a stylistic unity in their diversity. We need to do that with an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Light federalism can unify and protect divergent states with divergent ethnic groups, each with its own traits and behavior; then we can---all of us, or some of us, the choice is free---consciously pursue our evolution toward ascending levels of Godhood, toward beauty, truth and goodness, with the help of religion and science, and with politics and art affirming the overall transfiguring goal.  

Friday, June 05, 2020

What is hidden beneath the multicultural and egalitarian lies of the Media and the schools

The natural genetic will to power of individuals and groups as usual is hidden beneath the multicultural and egalitarian lies of the Media and the schools, which led to the loud ignorance of the people regarding the racial protests and riots we have been witnessing the past week.

Here is the predicament: real human nature is ethnocentric or racist, we are different from one another, never equal, because for many thousands of years right up to our present time group selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction. So human nature became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

The U.S. has spent billions of dollars and tried endless government programs trying to do away with the will to power of ethnocentric human nature without success. What happens in reality, hidden beneath the multicultural and egalitarian lies, is a zero sum game where one race rises at the expense of another.

A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by some sort of federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

It turns out that in advocating for ethnostates both white Wilmot Robertson and black Louis Farrakhan had a more humane solution to the race problem than the sainted Martin Luther King's call for multicultural equality.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

How the individual genetic self is fully realized

Maurice Barrès (1862-1923) believed that the self is realized in nationalism, but like most French intellectuals he undervalued the genes and overvalued culture in the forming of the self and the nation.

But there is an instinctive and rational way to bring together libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, ethnostatists, racialists, and even collectivists left and right: the individual genetic self is only fully realized and identified when connected to his/her related ethnic group out of which both the self and the culture were developed---the self doesn't become more selfish it becomes more fully realized with the group. 

You can't legitimately say that any one of these things creates the self, due to the connections between the biological origin of the self and the biological origin of social behavior. People, selves, with genetic traits which are ethnically related create unique cultures in a sort of co-evolution with the environment/culture.

As I quote here often, " The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool. The brain is a product of evolution. Human behavior . .is the circuitous technique by which human genetic material has been and will be kept intact..." Edward O. Wilson

Out of this comes the affirmation of ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the realization of natural rights and the fulfillment of the biological self and culture.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The best long-term way to civilize us all

What if angry whites returned the same mau-mauing, denouncing, intimidating, rioting, and trashing of blacks that the blacks have done to whites and white properties over the past week?

Given real kin and ethnocentric human nature the best long-term way to civilize us all is to gradually and legally separate the racial combatants into ethnostates.

Will we be able to overcome the very successful culturally Marxist brainwashing by all our schools and the Media?

The demand for real natural rights should lead to a legal American constitutional separation of powers and states into regional ethnostates, where real human nature could be free to be as kin-selecting and ethnocentric as we have always been since paleolithic times, protected by federalism.

We wont have much peace or civil order until we do.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

A rioting country needs to be guided by religious teachings, but which religious teachings?

As I watch our country torn apart by racial riots my thought is that a country needs to be guided by religious teachings. But which religious teachings? Which God?

The fatal error of most religions comes from demeaning the material world, which stems from making Godhood non-material and entirely spiritual. The elite of most religions reject the material world and reject bodily desires so that may dwell in the bodily bliss that results from that rejection, which they wrongly think is spiritual.

Theological materialism defines Godhood as evolved to in the material and supermaterial world, which brings religion back to the real world and the biological origin of social behavior, along with the sociobiological view of human nature.

"The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool. The brain is a product of evolution. Human behavior . .is the circuitous technique by which human genetic material has been and will be kept intact...” Edward O. Wilson

Theological materialism asserts that morality has the ultimate function of culturally aiding life in evolving to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood, which is also the zenith of success in survival and reproduction.

Given the biological origin of human nature, which is kin and ethnic centered, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all distinctive groups seems like the best instinctive, moral, and rational bio-political choice, where groups can maintain, theocracies, or the separation of church and state, or whatever, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

I believe we humans will eventually move in the direction of theological materialism to save ourselves, if we can survive that long.

Monday, June 01, 2020

The melting pot didn't melt and pluralist society didn't work either

The latest riots in Minneapolis and across the country have shown us once again that blacks and whites have not assimilated. There has been some assimilation around the edges of society, but even Ivy League educated blacks prefer each others company, which is completely natural and in accord with kin and ethnic centered human nature. But this reality cannot be mentioned and is considered taboo by modern liberalism or cultural Marxism which control the Media and the schools. 

The melting pot didn't melt and when that didn't work the American mosaic, or pluralist society, took its place, but that didn't work either and caused more social disorder, because human nature is kin and ethnic centered and biological ethnocentric. 

Clueless modern liberals still promote both pluralist societies and universal equality apparently not noticing the contradiction. Conservatives do the same but try to bring in a neutered nationalism of creedal ideas rather than biological bonds.  

Universalist humanitarianism and equality are “unable to sustain high levels of in-group cooperation.” (Ed Dutton) Computer modeling of such battles has demonstrated conclusively that ethnocentric strategies always triumph. "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool.” (Edward O. Wilson) 

So given real human nature what can be done to bring real order and peace to our country? We can legally adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism. 

I see no better instinctive, moral, or rational way out of a melting pot and pluralist society that didn't work.