Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My view of deep-conservatism

I support limited government, private property, and private virtue as necessary to maintaining a healthy society. But I have a problem with economics being set free from real national interests and I believe in putting tariffs on foreign products to protect manufacturing in the United States, which has been all but destroyed by greedy global capitalists.

I also emphasize the separation of powers and states more than most conservatives, to the degree that I think regions and states eventually need to contain evolving, distinct, ethnic cultures and far more independence than they now have, although I think the states need to be protected in their independence by federalism, and I think we need a strong protecting military---“diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments.”

I agree with the philosophy of non-inference in the affairs of other nations, I reject imperialism, although I think we can do business with the world. I have been influenced by conservative thinkers like Russell Kirk and Pat Buchanan, but I reject neoconservative thinkers---biology is more a “universal” element and defines reality more than the Platonic abstractions of Leo Strauss. I have also been influenced by sociobiologist E.O.Wilson, and by social psychologist and futurist Raymond Cattell.

I don't agree with conservatives in their disbelief in the perfectibility of man, which derives from the incomplete traditional religious rejection of materialism, although “perfectibility” needs to be understood as evolving beyond man. I agree with conservatives that religion is at the foundation of any long-lasting civilization, although the theological materialism I affirm retains but transforms the inward, ascetic, non-material understanding of God to the outward material and supermaterial Godhood reached through material evolution.

This religious view of conservatism brings science and the material world back to religion, where they have only been partially accepted by conservatives. Nothing requires a more long-term conservative philosophy than the very long-term material evolution of life to supermaterial Godhood, where the best of the past is retained as we continue to evolve toward the highest truth, beauty and goodness in the cosmos.

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