Monday, April 29, 2013

What needs to be done?

Once political correctness, or cultural Marxism, is understood to be the fraud that it is, and once the science of sociobiology deflates these intellectual pretensions with the fact that there is a biological origin to cultural behavior, including gender differences and ethnic differences, among many other things, with an inborn deterministic drive to survive and reproduce successfully, then we can move on to what needs to be done.

Is “cooperative competition” between different states and ethnic groups possible, as Raymond Cattell's brilliant “Beyondism” called for? It had better be possible because noncooperative competition, or wars, seem to end up destroying us to the point where no competition at all is possible and therefore no evolution is possible. Cooperative competition is not merely a hopeless ideal, it is necessary for our survival and evolution. One-state totalitarianism or one-race imperialism do not sustain for long and they tend to snuff out variety, individualism and creativity which are necessary for human evolution.

We need to promote the freedom of each small state and its people to be what they are, with the freedom to diverge from the others in their survival and evolution if they need to do so. The idea is to avoid the total destruction of any group, while still avoiding overindulgent humanism and hedonism which destroy innovation and real evolution. It will take courage at first in moving away from bogus and destructive political correctness or cultural Marxism.

Independent small states or even ethnostates within a light and protecting federalism, guided by sociobiological research, and the evolutionary church, seem to be the best way to organize a future evolutionary world. Different ethnic groups now living within states and cities need not contradict the general tendency of regions and states to take on their own distinctive identities, especially if variety and divergence are championed rather than fought against. Secession of states does not seem like a good option because federalism in the end is what protects the independence and variety of the states, internally and externally.

This variety, independence and cooperative competition of small states, even evolving into ethnostates, with a light protecting federalism, is an ideal that had better be more than an ideal if humans are to survive and evolve on earth and out in to the cosmos. All states, all groups will ultimately benefit from such a worldview, although the imperialists and stateless may not, which is why they will oppose it. The original Constitution of the United States already has such a structure in place, more or less, although it has been corrupted with a huge national (and international) government and the loss of power for the states---but it could be redeemed. 

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