Saturday, April 06, 2013

How evolutionary religion can bond separate cultures and people, affirming federalism

Even if we admit that America was created as an Anglo-Christian culture, which it clearly was (see “America's Lost Sense of Community,” Modern Age 2012), it is far too late to bring it back for the whole nation, we are now too divided by religion, language, ethnicity, manners and customs.

Only Federalism written large, as more or less seen by the Founders, can deal with our non-homogeneity, by giving power back to the regions, back to the states, protected by a light federalism from within and without.

I agree with those who say that all great social institutions are born in religion. It was clearly Anglo-Christian culture which built Western civilization, including America, as L. Smith says in his essay, it was religion that provided the system of symbols through which the culture sustained itself.

But this culture no longer prevails and the Anglo Americans who largely created it have declined and been replaced by an immigration policy which brought in other religions, other ethnicities, or a secular culture (if such a thing can be a culture) of no religion at all.

I believe that only a federalism which affirms differences and variety can bring America together without the eventual secession of different people and states, but more importantly only a new or revised religion can hold federalism together. the Theoevolutionary Church (TC) is such a religion, believing that a variety of distinctive people is not only desirable but necessary for the overall evolution of mankind on earth and out into the cosmos toward Godhood.

Human beings are capable of cooperative competition, our differences need not destroy us, and evolutionary religion can be the bond, affirming federalism, holding us together as we evolve. The inward God seen in all the great religions can be the ecumenical bond, as we advance toward outward Godhood in the cosmos, as affirmed in the Twofold Path. I see no better civilized way to hold America, or the world, together while advancing in evolution.

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