Saturday, April 13, 2013

Religious additions to science

I cannot affirm “dualism” because I do not see a serious difference between matter and mind, or to put it another way, the material and the spiritual. What has been called spiritual is supermaterial. Godhood Itself is supermaterial and the zenith of material-supermaterial evolution.

Science seems to disavow dualism, minus the belief in Godhood. Science also does not see the vitalistic activation of the material world by the inward Spirit-Will, which seeks to evolve to Godhood, shaped outwardly by natural evolution.

Even so, I see a close working relationship with science, all of the material and supermaterial and even our evolution to Godhood can be empirically investigated by science.

But when reason and science think themselves superior to instinct and intellectual intuition, then they become arrogant and closed.

Reason and science are a method to test the instincts and intuition, riding the horse but not the horse itself, and then they can rightly demand that other scientists reproduce the same results.

The challenge is to discover what reality is, reason and science can balance with instinct and intuition in determining reality.

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