Sunday, April 21, 2013

The fourth way: working with what we have as we evolve

The realistic base of conservatism is working with what we have, with slow change rather than radical change, bringing the new into the old. In America this means working with our Constitution which, as the Founders envisioned it, is realistic. Often the choices are between two different evils, perhaps even more than we have clear choices between right and wrong. Our increasingly diverse people will require the affirmation of separate states and regions within the union while rejecting racial hatred and racial decline. This is the realistic way to deal with our differences. Then we must protect these differences internally and externally with a light federalism.

This affirmation of separate states and regions within the union is what the Republican and Democratic parties should be working on, otherwise they may eventually be facing various secessions of states or a dictatorial big government impractically attempting to create order in a no longer homogenous nation. So called free trade needs to be modified to fair trade with economic nationalism rather than global corporation monopolies. This is hard reality but it needs to be faced.

The universal rights position arises because, as E.O.Wilson has said, power is too fluid with our advanced technologies and the long-term consequences of inequities will be too dangerous to its temporary beneficiaries. This “fourth way” seems like the globally realistic best way to recognize racial and national differences while rejecting racial hatred and racial decline. We need a world order based on the affirmation of different stages of evolution for different people, all evolving in their own way, with the help of sociobiological institutions, and the Church, objectively helping all the states and different groups evolve.

The other three ways seem to be one-race imperialism, global corporation monopolies, or imperialistic global equality, all of which have unreal views of real human nature and unreal views of human behavior, and often require radicalism. I believe our evolution to Godhood is a religious requirement which makes our successful survival and evolution a sacred imperative. We need a practical and successful fourth way to survive and evolve out into the cosmos.

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