Friday, April 12, 2013

Comparing Nietzsche's theory of Western culture with theological materialism

I accept early Nietzsche's theory of Western culture, as excellently presented by Quintin Taylor, but there seems to be a bias against science, almost to the degree to where the Traditionalist School might wish to claim Nietzsche. But we must be careful not to mistake this because it was what Nietzsche called the “Alexandrian” that followed after Hellenic culture which Nietzsche most disliked. Still, the bias against science was there.

Both Nietzsche and Wagner wanted a return to presocratic ancient myth, ancient ethnic myth, which they thought of as a revival of the Hellenic culture they loved. The “orientalization” of Greek culture as a result of the wanderings of Alexander the Great was not acceptable to Nietzsche. Christianity was, for Nietzsche, more of the same orientalization of Western Hellenic culture. The revival of the “German Spirit” was a revival of Hellenic culture for Nietzsche and Wagner. This later led to Hitler's brutal attempt to create a revived Hellenic-German culture, although political correctness has tried to remove this Nietzschean influence on Hitler.

I do not think science has been decadent for the West, but it certainly has had problems fitting in with art, myth and religion. I believe that science needs to be attached to religion, and with more than a worship of pure science. Science lacks a religious cosmic end-goal, as well as a sacred activating force to life.  This religious cosmic end-goal, as well as the sacred activating force to life, are seen in  theological materialism.
The goal of material life and evolution is to evolve to supermaterial Godhood---evolutionary Godhood is an extension of the God first seen inwardly (the Father Within) by the great religions. This religious worldview stands in contrast to the attempted radical return to the ancient, presocratic, Hellenic-Germanic culture of Nietzsche, Wagner and Hitler. In the new religious process of the sacred evolution of humanity to Godhood, Ordered Evolution, Revitalized Conservatism, and sciences such as sociobiology, can work well with theological materialism, to actually combat the decadence of the West which Nietzsche saw but could not cure.

Theological materialism and the Theoevolutionary Church contain the stylistic unity and organic integration that Nietzsche thought genuine culture had to contain.

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