Thursday, June 27, 2019

Five past blog entrances on how the Twofold Path of theological materialism and the projected Theoevolutionary Church synthesizes past religions and science

(Some of the links are no-longer working)  


The Twofold Path transforms the God of Odin and Christ 

 (from July 30, 2017)

Colin Cleary suggested a few years ago in his essay, "What is Odinism?" (recently republished in Counter Currents, part one) that the key feature of Odin was his quest for knowledge and power. Cleary thinks that Odin and Odinism essentially sought to "become God" in that quest for knowledge and power.

The Christian world has disparaged the idea of becoming God as being highly blasphemous. Traditional religions have demanded that their God be spiritual and certainly beyond the vulgar and evil material world, the desires of the material flesh are to be blocked or overcome in order to see the God Within.

Odin could be called the first Western Faustian man (although he probably was originally Asian-Aesir) seeking knowledge and power at all costs. But being Faustian, Western knowledge has moved on from Odin to where we can now see that the path to real Godhood is through material evolution.

But conservatism is vitally important in the lives of human beings and human culture, that is, retaining what was long developed as important to humans and to human survival, which is comfortable in the lives of people. The culture of Christianity is virtually baked into Western civilization, but it can be transformed, just as Christianity retained but transformed Judaism, Odinism, and pagan Greeks and Romans.

The Inward Path to the God Within of Christ (and Buddha) can be retained but can now be seen as the first symbolic experience of the real Godhood reached through the Outward Path of material evolution. This is seen in the Twofold Path of theological materialism.

Faustian knowledge was obtained by standing on the shoulders of many men who not unlike Odin and Christ hung on modern trees of religious and scientific suffering and study. The Twofold Path conservatively does not reject either Odinism or Christianity. We can actually become Gods by affirming the material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, the transformed God of Odin and Christ.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Mythical/historical metaphors as history-religion-ontology

Camille Paglia viewed the ceaseless battle of nature (which she says is violent, irrational, untamable, and female) versus culture (aesthetic, logical, ever struggling and failing to tame nature, and, yes, male).

I could see Paglia's gendering images in relation to theological materialism, but I would adapt them a bit: the primal material as female gives birth to every cosmos, but within the primal material is also the material will, spirit-will, or as I call it Tirips, as male, which activates material life to evolve toward supermaterial Godhood, with many stops and starts along the evolutionary way.

I might compare these metaphors to the old myth/history of Odin migrating from Asia (thus he is of the Aesir) (proto-Scythian?), and when he reached the North Germanic region, which included Southern Sweden, a war took place between the North Germanic Vanir (old mixed Cro Magnon?) and the Aesir. Eventually a truce was created and a meld of the religions and cultures of the Vanir and Aesir was forged. The Vanir Earth Mother Nerthus, and her male consort, Ingwaz, then synthesized with the Aesir Sky Father, Odin, and his family, eventually creating the mature faith of Odinism, and its people.

But being conservative I work from the transformation of the Western Christian religion with theological materialism, where the material world evolves from the primal material, not God, toward real supermaterial Godhood. The Inward Path of traditional religion is retained but seen as a preliminary inward experience of the real Godhood reached through evolution---and this also can be synthesized more smoothly with modern science. In this way we could metaphorically harken way back to the very old Swedish Nerthus and Ingwaz, if we wanted to.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Dilemmas of the Alt Right

The way I see it the main dilemma of the Alt Right was how to deal with the ethnocentrism of real human nature while also dealing with religion, science, conservatism, nationalism, and radical racialism.

Religion versus science presented itself, with the science-minded Alt Right moving toward a scientific racialism and rejecting religion. A lesser number moved toward transhumanism preferring intelligent machines to humans. A larger group moved toward the Traditionalist School of Guenon and Evola and are now mainly followers of Aleksandr Dugin, who hates the West---this school downplays science in favor of spiritualism over materialism, but keeps an element of racialism-as-tradition. Another wing moved toward paganism, such as Odinism. Perhaps the largest group on the far right never quite fit in with the Alt Right, they are the racial supremacists, sometimes in the Hitler mode. Others on the far right moved toward a racialist version of Christianity arguing that Christ was not Jewish, etc. Few if any moved toward conservatism or paleoconservatism.

I faced many of the same dilemmas of the Alt Right and the paleoconservatives, and I developed theological materialism, having been impressed and influenced by Raymond Cattell's religion from science called Beyondism, Edward Wilson's deep sociobiology, Russell Kirk and Pat Buchanan's paleoconservatism, the ethnostatism of Wilmot Robertson, and the esoteric religious thinking of people like Guenon, and others. I also dealt philosophically with the courageous Friedrich Nietzsche, and later, Heidegger. I believe I included or synthesized these thinkers in developing theological materialism, which sees the material world evolving to supermaterial Godhood, the God first symbolically but incompletely glimpsed from within by traditional religion.

I eventually found a way to be a conservative patriotic American, grounded in religion, philosophy, and science, and affirming the constitutional separation of powers and states in the United States, slightly amended to save itself, by becoming an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where different ethnic groups within ethnostates can be what they actually are and what human nature actually is, kin and ethnic-centered, rejecting the various forms of ethnic supremacy and imperialism as unworkable and immoral. The sacred goal of life is to materially evolve toward supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

The Struggles to Overcome the Great Spiritual Blockade

The Great Spiritual Blockade gained momentum around the time of the great sages, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Christ, and Socrates (who made a spiritual God of reason), that is, more or less around the Sixth Century BC. Since that time some men have tried to to rise up against the Blockade, to save the material world from being disparaged and slandered.

There was a rising at least during the Enlightenment of the 18th century, and later Nietzsche and a few others also rose up against the Blockade, usually rejecting or throwing out the great sages in their attempts to unblock the Blockade. Wagner might have revived Odinism, Nietzsche nearly created a new religion of the superman based on his version of presocratic culture. And science, carrying on from the Enlightenment, bonded with a strict Godless naturalism or materialism. Hegel and Marx also tried to unblock the spiritual blockade with their versions of philosophy and materialism even though they created spiritual utopias in the process.

The grip of the Great Spiritual Blockade remains, although the religions and philosophies of the great sages have been slowly fading in the West, replaced not with another religion or political philosophy but with the great license of libertarian individualism, or the nothingness of hedonistic nihilism, or in the middle-east with a fundamentalist Islam. Science has tried to remain materialistically neutral which has led to its general social impotence. Modern versions of evolutionary religion or spirituality are often updates of Buddhism dealing with or dismissing the material world from the old perspective of so-called non-material inward bliss, e.g Ken Wilber.

The theological materialism of the Theoevolutionary Church overcomes the Great Spiritual Blockade with the Twofold Path, by including the great sages of the Blockade in the Involutionary Inward Path to the symbolic-experience of the Father Within, even as it affirms the Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution to real Godhood. The old God or Father Within experienced as bliss is conservatively included but seen as attained in reality through the Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution. Science and religion can even join forces as we unblock the Great Spiritual Blockade so that we may evolve toward unending levels of Godhood in the cosmos.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ecumenical Involution And Beyondist Evolution In the Theoevolutionary Church


I see no reason to avoid the ecumenical approach to Revealed Religions, Christianity, Ancient Greek philosophy, Buddhism, Bahai Faith, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Taoism, Odinism, etc., as they reveal variations of the Perennial Religion and the Involutionary Inward Path. There has been Perennial Knowledge of this Tradition since prehistory. As a dweller in the Western world our Involutionary Inward Path affirms Traditional religions and their revelations.

But the Involutionary Inward Path contains only half of the new religious order of renewal of the Theoevolutionary Church, we have also seen and affirmed the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood. A brilliant Darwinian kind of Evolutionary Outward Path was developed by Professor Raymond Cattell, called Beyondism, which has been supermaterialized in the Theoevolutionary Church. Beyondism helps define the scientific path to Godhood evolved to outwardly.

Traditional Christians who worry about the weakening aspects of ecumenicism can be heartened by our return to the most ancient Perennial Tradition, which was affirmed and enlarged by Jesus Christ. There need be no more religious wars regarding the Involutionary Perennial Religion. Also, religion has been dying in the West and can be strengthened by the Evolutionary Outward Path of material evolution to Godhood.

The vital material aspect of the world has been largely blocked (see The Great Spiritual Blockade) by the exclusively Inward Path of the Gnostic traditionalist perspective. The Evolutionary Outward Path of the projected Theoevolutionary Church reintroduces change and even competition in the material world, as we must materially evolve to the Godhood we first saw Inwardly. Such things as Federalism and Subsidiarity with small independent states, or ethnostates (which can work harmoniously with the original separation of powers and states in the Constitution of the United States) may provide the base for both the Inward and Outward Paths to Godhood, the Divine Twin Paths.

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