Sunday, June 30, 2019

Isn't it soon time to create cultural and political structures in line with the norms of nature and real human nature?

We have often invented “norms” to fit what Nietzsche called our wills to power, but the will to power is a norm of nature when it is understood to be the will to survival and reproductive success, which exists at the biological origin of our social behavior. These norms are laws of nature, whether we know it or not, or try to hide it.

Many thinkers have tried to disparage the biological origin of our social behavior as being too reductionist, too simplistic, but it is the reality, and their intellectual complications are like sleight of hand tricks to confuse their grabs for power, which in the end are grabs for survival and reproductive success.

It is simply a fiction to think that our social behavior can be free of biological origins or that our cultures have virtually nothing to do with our biological drives, why would we want it to be that way? Look deeper and you will see sleight of hand tricks to confuse the grabs for power for survival and reproductive success.

Marxism, socialism, and now the cultural Marxism of the West are just such sleight of hand tricks. But so can be libertarianism and capitalism, although they are more honest about their wills to power. And politics is a side show of magician tricks and disguises which are really the grabs for power for survival and reproductive success.

Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against nature and human nature with such experiments as Marxism, radical feminism, homosexuality, and postmodern relativism, but they eventually lead to biologically and culturally diseased societies. These cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the environments they find themselves living in, and very slowly change.

Isn't it soon time to create cultural and political structures in line with the norms of nature and real human nature? Isn't it time to be aware of the magician tricks and disguises and not be fooled by them? An ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the best political configuration for humans beings to live within because it follows the norms and laws of nature, and follows real human nature, which remains kin and ethnic centered. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could even be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by federalism.

Do we still need the magician tricks and the disguised grabs for power for survival and reproductive success? Can't we be honest? Can't we tell the truth? Our lives depend on it, or soon will.

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